Study visit - Students of the MA European Union Advanced Studies Program of the Faculty of Law

03 Nëntor 2023

"Distinguished students Adea Pula and Brikena Mujku, who are attending the Master's program "Advanced European Studies" at the Law Faculty, from October 22 to October 29, 2023, travelled to Florence (Italy) at "James Madison University" - branch in Florence, during a themed study visit on "The EU: contemporary issues and controversies", as part of the collaboration between the University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina" and "James Madison University", Harrisonburg, Virginia (USA). During their stay in Florence, the students joined the lectures of the James Madison program and presented their scientific papers on the topics: Adea Pula - "Navigating Uncertainty: Challenges and Prospects for the Future of the European Union in an Evolving Global Landscape" and Brikena Mujku - "From Glass Ceilings to Equal Opportunities - Gender in the European Union".

Cultural and historical visits to the city of Florence were also part of the visit. Moreover, our students participated in other academic activities at James Madison University (JMU), where they exchanged cultural and social aspects, further deepening the cooperation. The activity took place under the mentorship of Prof. Dr. Remzije Istrefi, who also taught a lecture for the students of JMU Florence, entitled "Human Rights, Peace Building and Transitional Justice."

In the heart of Florence, our students discovered the timeless treasures of culture and history, and in the exchange of experiences, we found the bridge to future collaborations. Together, we paint a canvas of knowledge that knows no borders."